I just set up Tomcat to talk to Apache for a Java app. I am using virtual 
hosting with mod_jk. In my Apache config files I have the following:
JkMount /thedirectory/*.jsp ajp13
JkMount /*/images/* ajp13

However, I am getting a 400 error. The page is just blank. 

The directory on Tomcat is mainly the following:

I need all the files in the /webapps/thedirectory/ to be served by Tomcat. I 
did have in my Apache configuration:
JkMount /thedirectory/*.jsp ajp13
JkMount /*/servlet/* ajp13

I also tried 
JkMount /thedirectory/*.jsp ajp13

JkMount /thedirectory/images/* ajp13

JkMount /thedirectory/subdirectory/* ajp13

Neither worked. I got the same 400 error in the apache access.log. 

Incidentally, this came about after I continually got a 404 Access Denied error 
when trying to access this directory. So I put an index.html file in the 
/thedirectory/ folder and redirected it to login.jsp, which is the main page 
for the Java application that Tomcat is suppose to handle. So the index.html 
page is found and it redirects to the login.jsp. The login.jsp is where the 400 
error comes into the scene.

Any ideas? 


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