> 1. use some kind of redirection such as iptables and leave the tomcat 
> mapping at 8080
How do I redirect? Shall I open the Apache2(httpd) service as well as
start the Tomcat server?

As it is now 
-I see the httpd welcome page when I browse with
httpd service running and have this router setting enabled:

Name         Private IP     Protocol      Schedule  TCP 80/80     always


-I see the tomcat welcome page when I browse
with the httpd service stopped and have this router setting enabled:

Name         Private IP     Protocol      Schedule  TCP 8080/8080 always

My goal is for everybody to see the tomcat welcome page when browsing is linked to a domain I own (elvberg.com). Try
www.elvberg.com:8080 and www.elvberg.com and you shall see...

I 'll keep the alternative
Name         Private IP     Protocol      Schedule  TCP 8080/8080 always
for a while so you and others can try for yourselves (httpd is off and
tomcat is on)
On Wed, 2008-02-20 at 13:29 -0800, Alan Chaney wrote:
> If you are running on Linux you may have problems using a 'plain' tomcat 
> installation pointing at port 80. This is a system port and reserved for 
> privileged access. You must
> 1. use some kind of redirection such as iptables and leave the tomcat 
> mapping at 8080
> OR
> 2 you must run tomcat as root THIS IS VERY BAD DON'T DO THIS
> OR
> 3. use something like jsvc and set the 'user' to tomcat after starting 
> up as root. jsvc will start as root and bind to the port and then
> switch to the non-privileged tomcat user for normal operation.
> Regards
> Alan Chaney
> Hassan Schroeder wrote:
> > On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 12:57 PM, elvberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >>  I've added to D-Link router Virtual Server List
> >>  Name         Private IP     Protocol      Schedule
> >>  TCP 80/80     always
> >>  TCP 8084/8084 always
> > 
> > Why did you feel the need to change this, if you were able to connect
> > to the instance of httpd before?
> > 
> > And what's the "8084" for?
> > 
> > But as already suggested, make sure that Tomcat's actually running
> > and can be accessed locally; if not, check your startup logs.
> > 
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Dan Östberg
Berg Prästgården
+46 730 48 36 39

Small Is Beautiful

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