Hey everyone,

Has anyone ever tried to serve documents from within a tomcat webapp vai a
sym link. We have everything setup in tomcat to "allowLinking" within a
context. But I can not get my web app to serve documents via the link..
example below.

web-app location - /apps/development/tomcat/webapps/testSiteA

within testSiteA I create a sym link called Documents pointed to

Now I can upload/write documents via the commons jars with the sym link
fine.. everything works great. but if I try to view those via something

http://hostname:port/testSiteA/Documents/test123.doc. I keep getting a 404
for file not found. I've been looking around, and trying to set a different
context resource in my web.xml, server.xml, etc.. in different configs, but
no luck so far.

anyone ever done this before?

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