
A problem just surfaced for us, which I've run down to this issue
[https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=33594].  In our
case, the problem presents when deploying the latest version of a webapp
on Tomcat 5.5.9.

The app was modified [including changes to the subject jsp] and tested
successfully with Tomcat 5.5.23 [JDK 1.5.0_07].

I see that the Status of the subject issue is RESOLVED, with the
Resolution set to INVALID [meaning 'not a bug'].

It seems that a failure occurring unpredictably [no matter how
infrequently] is a bug; and calling it INVALID suggests that the system
is somehow being mis-used -- but without providing any specifics.

And re-starting Tomcat pre-emptively doesn't seem to be a good permanent
"fix", nor does it even solve our problem as it is occurring presently.

Can anyone comment on the resolution, a solution, or even a work-around?

[Organizational/operational issues prevent timely migration to Tomcat
5.5.23 at the customer site.]


Brad Harper

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