Jess Holle wrote:
Mark Thomas wrote:
Jess Holle wrote:
Mark Thomas wrote:
Jess Holle wrote:
You're right -- this works fine in the direct case.

So I need to file a bug against mod_proxy_ajp instead? Or is there some chance this is in the AJP connector?
Only if there is a bug - we haven't shown that yet ;)

Could you provide some version numbers please (httpd, mod_jk, etc)

Also, what setting are you using for JkOptions?

I suspect you want
JkOptions     +ForwardURICompatUnparsed
but read the docs carefully before making any changes so you understand the security implications.
I don't believe mod_proxy_ajp provides any such options -- and I'm using that and Apache 2.2.x, not 2.0.x and/or mod_jk. At any rate, I have:
I couldn't see anything either. This looks like a mod_proxy_ajp bug/missing feature.
I jumped the gun once by filing this against Tomcat, but it seems everything is pointing to mod_proxy_ajp. Is it time to file a bug against it?
P.S. Where we use Apache 2 and mod_jk, we use

     JkOptions +ForwardURIEscaped
     JkOptions +FlushPackets

The latter is covered in mod_proxy_ajp via "flushpackets=on", but I don't see any coverage of the former.

Jess Holle

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