
I was wondering if anybody has encountered a situation where Tomcat keeps 
deploying a given webapp?

I noticed that it has cropped up on this forum before but there doesn't seem to 
have been any solution found.
The following is continually logged every 15 seconds to the context logger of 
the webapp in question: 

2008-04-28 00:01:47 HostConfig[local_eaglevm.stats.XX.XX]: Deploying discovered 
web applications
2008-04-28 00:01:47 HostConfig[local_eaglevm.stats.XX.XX]: Deploying discovered 
web applications
2008-04-28 00:01:47 HostConfig[local_eaglevm.stats.XX.XX]: Deploying discovered 
web applications

I am running 

Tomcat 4.1
Apache/1.3.33 (Win32) 
JRE Version 1.4.2_03

My webapp is working. Here is a copy of the server.xml file. I have made sure 
to turn make reloadable false but the problem persists.

    <Host name="local_eaglevm.stats.XX.XX" debug="9" 
appBase="webapps/eurokom2/active" unpackWARs="true">

    <Context path="" workDir="work/pressweb" docBase="../pressweb" debug="9" 

    <Logger timestamp="true" className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger" 
    [realm and resources follow here...]


There are no .war files sitting in the /webapp directory.  

Thanks in Advance

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