Hi Reich, Lloyd, Chris,

Finally the issue is resolved by enabling APR feature in tomcat. Now
the NM can use 40 concurrent threads to talk with 100 simulated
devices with 70s delay on each successfully.

But I am not very clear yet why I have to use APR instead of NIO
connector in the scenario :)

Meanwhile, I can't try all methods in our mail thread due to some restriction:
1. change "on the client-side", the NM is black box to me, so hard to
modify its code;
2. Comet event, it's interesting, I will spend some time to learn it.

Anyway, thanks all of you for your suggestion to help me address the problem!


  Unfortunately The NM application is a black box to me, I have no
idea about its implementation detail at all, so it is hard to make any
change on the "client side".

I tried to let the NM application talk with 100 simulated devices,
it communicates with 97 devices successfully with 60 secs delay on each.

But there are still 3 devices that get failed when talk to the NM.
the 3 devices respond

On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 1:19 AM, Christopher Schultz
>  Hash: SHA1
>  Lloyd,
>  DIGLLOYD INC wrote:
>  | I think you're barking up the wrong tree here--use a Mock Object (a
>  | dummy) to stub out your app so it thinks it's calling the Servlet.
>  | After you've tested your app working, then revert to actually sending
>  | the request to Tomcat.
>  That's a great idea.
>  Han, how do you contact the servlet from your client? Do you use
>  straight HttpURLConnections?
>  If so, then you can use a library I wrote to test this sort of thing:
>  http://sourceforge.net/projects/tuc/
>  Hope that helps,
>  - -chris
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