
I'm trying to install and configure Jakarta Isapi Redirector on a Windows
Server 2003 machine with IIS 6.0 and many ASP.Net web sites deployed and
working on it. Also, this server redirects some URLs to a J2EE application
deployed under WebSphere 6.0 (using a ISAPI filter) that is installed on a
different server.

I'm needing the redirection because my workgroup is developing a J2EE
application that will be deployed on a different machine with Windows Server
2003 and Apache Tomcat 6.0 installed.

When I configure the redirector (configuration files workers.properties,
uriworkermap.properties, virtual directory in IIS (jakarta), registering the
ISAPI Module, allow execution of ISAPI filters in IIS) and i'm trying to
enter to the mapped URL in a browser, the response from the IIS Server is an
Internal Server Error (500 Error), but i don't know what's the reason of the
problem. I tried to view the logs but there are no related information about
the error.

I tried mounting 3 different scenarios, with sucess:

1. A machine running Windows XP and Tomcat 6.0 (with the deployed
application), and another machine running Windows XP and IIS 5.0 (using the
Jakarta Redirector).
2. A machine running Windows Server 2003 and Tomcat 6.0 (with the deployed
application), and another machine running Windows XP and IIS 5.0 (using the
Jakarta Redirector).
3. A machine running Windows Server 2003 and Tomcat 6.0 (with the deployed
application), and another machine running Windows Server 2003 with IIS 6.0
(using the Jakarta Redirector as the only ISAPI Filter installed). The
second machine had only one ASP.Net application running on it.

So, I'm thinking that the problem is related with the use of WebSphere ISAPI
Filter and Jakarta ISAPI Redirector at same time, but i wish to know what is
the reason of the problem, and if exists a solution for that.

Any help would be appreciated.



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