> http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Setting+up+Confluence+with+IIS#SettingupConfluencewithIIS-IIS6.0

There's been a patch submitted to have those steps added to the tomcat iis connector docs, but I see enough tomcat iis 6 questions around that it's probably worth posting to the mailing list:

This follows after step 8 of the connector iis webserver how to:
"8. Using the IIS management console, add isapi_redirect.dll as a filter in your IIS/PWS web site."

   IIS 6.0

  1. If using IIS 6.0 you will also need to add the Jakarta Isapi
     Redirector to the Web Service Extension's .
  2. Right-click on Web Service Extensions and choose Add a new Web
     Service Extension...
  3. Enter tomcat for the Extension Name and then add the
     isapi_redirect.dll file to the required files.
  4. Check the Set extension status to Allowed and then click on OK.
  5. Also add the Jakarta Isapi Redirector to the ISAPI Filters for the

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