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Steve Ochani wrote:
| On 10 Jun 2008 at 17:20, Christopher Schultz wrote:
|> What leads you to that conclusion [that Fedora Core is inappropriate
for production use]?
| 1. When Fedora project was started I remember reading that it was
almost like a testbed for
| testing new apps/open source projects to be put into Red Hat
Enterprise Linux.

It should be the same as RH's enterprise Linux, except that it doesn't
have all the Enterprise-y tools and stuff.

| 2. 6 month support cycle isn't exactly something that is long
lasting/reliable for production
| systems. (IMO 3 years is a min.)

Fair enough. I never bother with support, anyway, for a Linux system.
They run very well, and we keep up-to-date. If you update your packages
(still uring RPM, right?) regularly, the 6-month window slides with you,
doesn't it?

| 3. The past history of "stable"ness of some versions, such as version 7.

Heh. I have no direct experience. I dumped Red Hat after RHL went from
6-9 in like 2 years. I was sick and tired of their package manager. Then
I discovered Gentoo, which I prefer, and Debian, which is supported by
our co-lo provider, though I don't like apt very much. At least it
installs dependencies for you ;) I haven't looked back.

| If someone is looking for a Red Hat type linux distro that is stable,
long support time/cycle
| then they should consider CentOS.


- -chris
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