Christopher Schultz wrote:

| (And, as a secondary question, what does one exactly put in it then, so
| that it still matches the "session key" ? Or can you just put something
| arbitrary in it, and Tomcat will use whatever is there to identify the
| session data store ?)

The cookie must be called JSESSIONID, and the value must be the id of
the session. So, you can just do something like this:

response.addCookie(new Cookie("JSESSIONID",
~                   request.getSession().getId());

Christopher Schultz (also) wrote:

Tomcat generates the cookie the first time you call
HttpServletRequest.getSession(true) and the session is actually created.

I'm possibly nitpicking, but still trying to get a full crash-proof explanation :

Imagine the following scenario (and sorry if some of the terms I'm using are not the official ones) :

A servlet context consists of a servlet (code), and a context descriptor (web.xml) which points to this servlet code, and also establishes a "security context" (in other words says that access to this servlet is subject to certain criteria). A browser sends a request for this servlet context. Tomcat receives the request, and determines that it needs authentication. At this point, the code of the servlet has not yet been invoked, so there has been no opportunity for the servlet to call HttpServletRequest.getSession().
(true/false ?)
So according to the above, neither the session nor the JSESSIONID cookie have yet been created.
(true/false ?)
Since there is no session, there is no stored user-id, and Tomcat sends back a 401 response (or a login form, depending). There cannot be a JSESSIONID cookie in this server response, because no session exists yet. The user authenticates, the authentication is checked, and now by some mechanism the call is redirected to the originally-requested URL. But still according to the above, there is no session yet, because HttpServletRequest.getSession() has still not been called.

But Tomcat must be able to retrieve the authenticated user-id somewhere, before allowing the servlet code to be executed. So if there is no session yet, where does it get it ?

The above cannot all be correct, there is a contradiction somewhere. Or is it just me being thick ?

(I also have a problem with the HttpServletRequest.isRequestedSessionIdValid() call, because I fail to see a case where the return value would be false. But I'll get to that one later, if I haven't exhausted everyone's patience by then.)


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