> From: André Warnier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: Moving from a very old Tomcat to a new Tomcat.

> The servlet now calls sess = request.getSession().

Better if the servlet were to call request.getSession(false) and check the 
result for null.  If not null, then either authentication or some other part of 
the webapp created the session, and the servlet can trust that it's valid.  If 
null, then an appropriate slap on the wrist can be returned to the client.

> And now the application tries to retrieve, from sess, one
> of the attributes it stored in the session earlier.
> It will most probably get a null, which means that the
> atribute does not exist, which fact may be significant to
> the application.

And this is another, albeit somewhat indirect, means of determining that the 
current session is not a particularly useful one.

> Is that a valid concern, and a reason to always compare the cookie
> session-id with the current session's session-id, or am I missing
> something again ?

No reason to compare cookies, since Tomcat has already done that for you.

 - Chuck

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