I think its because its just hard to explain, but maybe it could be made clearer.
I think *ignores* is the wrong word.

Especially if someone actually looks at catalina bat and sees this line.
Doesnt look like that script is ignoring CLASSPATH to me ;)

When Tomcat starts up, its internal system classes take *priority* over those in the normal "system" classloader CLASSPATH. This is to prevent "Java DLL hell", making sure that external applications do not see the internal tomcat engine, and making sure that tomcat does not use an external class (eg an xml parser), that may be incompatible with tomcat (Its trying to save your butt).

Ah OK - I see what you are saying.

I looked at setclasspath.sh and the first thing is does is clear the users 
CLASSPATH variable.  So seems like the Tomcat startup scripts rebuild the 
CLASSPATH variable such that only JARS that are available to it on the 
classpath.  So if I were to add more jars to the startup script, those would 
still be visible to Tomcat and all applications.

--- add your version here --- ;)
(This is what you're saying I think.  When I saw *priority* I started thinking "How 
does it priorize?", and for me it's a little clearer if I understand that the 
CLASSPATH variable is rebuilt from scratch...assuming that's corrects...OK Here Goes

<Take 2>
When Tomcat starts up, the startup script first clears the CLASSPATH variable.  
It then adds a few libraries that Tomcat needs to boot, such as bootstrap.jar.  
These libraries contain additional class loaders that Tomcat delegates to when 
it needs it's system classes  (Libraries visible to Tomcat only and typically 
contained in CATALINA_HOME/lib).

Note that if you add additional libraries to the startup script lines that 
initialize the CLASSPATH for Tomcat, these will be visible to Tomcat and all 
running web applications as well.
</Take 2>


- Ole

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