Our Apache httpd proxy connects to the two tomcat servers
(load-balanced) through a network device that performs NAT.
Unfortunately, when the connections go idle (and it happens quite often
since it's a currently low-volume application), the NAT box seems to
lose the TCP session. The Apache httpd remains connected (ESTABLISHED
using netstat), but the connection on the Tomcat servers aren't
reflected on that end. Performing an "apachectl graceful" gets the
server to re-establish the connection.
I'm wondering what my options are to fixing this? I tried adding a
ProxyTimeout 60 option, but that didn't seem to work. Is there a way to
tell mod_proxy_ajp that if it's idle for a given amount of time to close
the connection? (And establish a new one when a request comes in)
Richi Plana

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