sandeep gelli wrote:
Hi Rainer,

Below is the URL from which i have downloaded the 64-bit
file. When i use this file

I receive the following error message when i use this file.

Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 B08/22/2003 12:37
[https-online-forms]: failure: CORE3170: Configuration initialization
failed: Error running init function load-modules: dlopen of
/usr/src/nsapi/lib/ failed ( webservd: fatal:
/usr/src/nsapi/lib/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64)
[https-online-forms]: failure: server initialization failed

So for compiling the src, i used gcc 3.3 version, which gave me a 250kb
file(which doesnt seems to be correct).My sun one webserver is running on
32-bit mode.

When i use the 32-bit so file, the server successfully starts up, and i can

I assume we are now talking about the file

and not your own compilation?

Let's completely forget about the 64 Bit file. That can't work.

see the title page. When i submit the page, i can see the logs in the tomcat
and tomcat successfully responding to the request. But, the webserver is
unable to get the response from the tomcat. The 404 status is from the

OK, since you already increased the log level of the plugin to debig: what are the contents of


including the startup phase and the first request?

> Attached are my config files.

Just to make sure: all config files were in DOS format. Make sure, that they are in Unix format on the target system.

Your config can be optimized, but should not be the source of basic trouble.




On 7/3/08, Rainer Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
As a first step, answering the questions in my previous mail would be
helpful. As a secodn step, showing your configuration. Third: what do you
mean by "page not found"? Is it a browser generated error, e.g. because the
web server crashes and the browqser doesn't get an answer, or do your get a
reply from the web server with status code 404, or maybe from Tomcat?



sandeep gelli wrote:

Hi Rainer,

Thanks for the prompt response. Let me explain my scenario. I am trying to
redirect the requests from sun webserver to tomcat. All worked fine with
windows pc(32-bit) and when trying to deploy the same in my solaris
i am able to get the first page. After submitting the first page, i am
getting the page not found error.

When checked in the nsapi.log, i dont see any errors.So, i thought it
be because of the, which is the only change made
transferring the application from windows to unix.

Any advise on this would be of great help to me, as i am struggling with
this issue from the last two weeks.

Thanks & Rgds
Sandeep Gelli

On 7/3/08, Rainer Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Sandeep,

sandeep gelli schrieb:

Can anyone help me providing file(64-bit version).
application is running on solaris sparc os 9, and sunone webserver 6.1

When i used the one available in the apache website, i am getting
error. I tried building it, but getting the following error during the

Whats the version you are using and what's the exact download URL of the
.so file?
What is the exact error message?
What is the result of the command "file .../"?

I would say: you are using the 32 Bit version of the Sun Web Server (as
usual on a 64 Bit system and kernel, no problem with that). If it is the
32Bit web server, you need to download the 32 Bit On
the download page for the most recent version, it is named


gcc: unrecognised option pthread.

Which version of gcc?
Mine says "gcc: unrecognized option '-bar'" if I use an unknown option.
Notice the "-" in front of the option. Did you remove the minus in front
pthread in the Makefile?

However, i am still getting the build file which is just 250 kb. and also
That seems to be too small.

the class version error.
Remove the added "-m64" from your compiler flags. Then you'll build a




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