Hi Rainer,

Finally got it. I have changed my page redirection from response.redirect()
to requestDispatcher.forward() and it worked. This was actually a trail and
error that i did, any logic behind this?


On 7/5/08, Rainer Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> sandeep gelli schrieb:
>> Hi Rainer,
>> Any advise on this?
> The log looks fine. All requests, that are processed by the plugin are
> forwarded to the backend and return a result to the client. Those requests
> are:
> port=443 uri=/XXX/balance_transfer/form_bt0.jsp
> port=443 uri=/XXX/css/font.css
> port=443 uri=/XXX/js/formvalidation.js
> port=443 uri=/XXX/js/pageprogress.js
> port=443
> uri=/XXX/balance_transfer/js/custom_formvalidation.js
> port=443 uri=/XXX/balance_transfer/images/hd_bt.jpg
> port=443 uri=/XXX/balance_transfer/images/spacer.gif
> port=443 uri=/XXX/images/spinner.gif
> port=443 uri=/XXX/balance_transfer/form_controller
> Only the last one doesn't produce a full response page. Instead your
> application returns a redirect to:
> Is that the same server, port and protocol, that you use when you call the
> start page with the browser? I guess the redirect is using the wrong
> server/port/protocol and that's why the request for
> doesn't reach the plugin.
> Regards,
> Rainer
> Thanks
>> Sandeep
>> On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 9:50 AM, sandeep gelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Rainer,
>>> Attached is the nsapi.log, including the initialization phase. All my
>>> config files in the target system are in UNIX format.
>>> Thanks
>>> Sandeep
>>> On 7/3/08, Rainer Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> sandeep gelli wrote:
>>>> Hi Rainer,
>>>>> Below is the URL from which i have downloaded the 64-bit
>>>>> nsapi_redirector.so
>>>>> file. When i use this file
>>>>> http://apache.oss.eznetsols.org/tomcat/tomcat-connectors/jk/binaries/solaris/jk-1.2.26/sparc/
>>>>> I receive the following error message when i use this file.
>>>>> Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 B08/22/2003 12:37
>>>>> [https-online-forms]: failure: CORE3170: Configuration initialization
>>>>> failed: Error running init function load-modules: dlopen of
>>>>> /usr/src/nsapi/lib/nsapi_redirector.so failed (ld.so.1: webservd:
>>>>> fatal:
>>>>> /usr/src/nsapi/lib/nsapi_redirector.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64)
>>>>> [https-online-forms]: failure: server initialization failed
>>>>> So for compiling the src, i used gcc 3.3 version, which gave me a 250kb
>>>>> file(which doesnt seems to be correct).My sun one webserver is running
>>>>> on
>>>>> 32-bit mode
>>>>> When i use the 32-bit so file, the server successfully starts up, and i
>>>>> can
>>>>> I assume we are now talking about the file
>>>> http://apache.oss.eznetsols.org/tomcat/tomcat-connectors/jk/binaries/solaris/jk-1.2.26/sparc/nsapi_redirector-1.2.26-sjsws6.1sp11.so
>>>> and not your own compilation?
>>>> Let's completely forget about the 64 Bit file. That can't work.
>>>> see the title page. When i submit the page, i can see the logs in the
>>>>> tomcat
>>>>> and tomcat successfully responding to the request. But, the webserver
>>>>> is
>>>>> unable to get the response from the tomcat. The 404 status is from the
>>>>> webserver.
>>>>> OK, since you already increased the log level of the plugin to debig:
>>>> what
>>>> are the contents of
>>>> /usr/src/nsapi/logs/nsapi.log
>>>> including the startup phase and the first request?
>>>> Attached are my config files.
>>>> Just to make sure: all config files were in DOS format. Make sure, that
>>>> they are in Unix format on the target system.
>>>> Your config can be optimized, but should not be the source of basic
>>>> trouble.
>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Sandeep
>>>>> Regards,
>>>> Rainer
>>>> On 7/3/08, Rainer Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> As a first step, answering the questions in my previous mail would be
>>>>>> helpful. As a secodn step, showing your configuration. Third: what do
>>>>>> you
>>>>>> mean by "page not found"? Is it a browser generated error, e.g.
>>>>>> because
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> web server crashes and the browqser doesn't get an answer, or do your
>>>>>> get a
>>>>>> reply from the web server with status code 404, or maybe from Tomcat?
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Rainer
>>>>>> sandeep gelli wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Rainer,
>>>>>>> Thanks for the prompt response. Let me explain my scenario. I am
>>>>>>> trying
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> redirect the requests from sun webserver to tomcat. All worked fine
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>> windows pc(32-bit) and when trying to deploy the same in my solaris
>>>>>>> system,
>>>>>>> i am able to get the first page. After submitting the first page, i
>>>>>>> am
>>>>>>> getting the page not found error.
>>>>>>> When checked in the nsapi.log, i dont see any errors.So, i thought it
>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>> be because of the nsapi_redirector.so, which is the only change made
>>>>>>> transferring the application from windows to unix.
>>>>>>> Any advise on this would be of great help to me, as i am struggling
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> this issue from the last two weeks.
>>>>>>> Thanks & Rgds
>>>>>>> Sandeep Gelli
>>>>>>> On 7/3/08, Rainer Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Sandeep,
>>>>>>>> sandeep gelli schrieb:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> Can anyone help me providing nsapi_redirector.so file(64-bit
>>>>>>>>> version).
>>>>>>>>> My
>>>>>>>>> application is running on solaris sparc os 9, and sunone webserver
>>>>>>>>> 6.1
>>>>>>>>> sp9.
>>>>>>>>> When i used the one available in the apache website, i am getting
>>>>>>>>> ELFCLASS64
>>>>>>>>> error. I tried building it, but getting the following error during
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>>>> Whats the version you are using and what's the exact download URL
>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> .so file?
>>>>>>>> What is the exact error message?
>>>>>>>> What is the result of the command "file .../nsapi_redirector.so"?
>>>>>>>> I would say: you are using the 32 Bit version of the Sun Web Server
>>>>>>>> (as
>>>>>>>> usual on a 64 Bit system and kernel, no problem with that). If it is
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> 32Bit web server, you need to download the 32 Bit
>>>>>>>> nsapi_redirector.so.
>>>>>>>> On
>>>>>>>> the download page for the most recent version, it is named
>>>>>>>> nsapi_redirector-1.2.26-sjsws6.1sp11.so.
>>>>>>>> file.
>>>>>>>> gcc: unrecognised option pthread.
>>>>>>>>> Which version of gcc?
>>>>>>>>> Mine says "gcc: unrecognized option '-bar'" if I use an unknown
>>>>>>>> option.
>>>>>>>> Notice the "-" in front of the option. Did you remove the minus in
>>>>>>>> front
>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>> pthread in the Makefile?
>>>>>>>> However, i am still getting the build file which is just 250 kb. and
>>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>>> That seems to be too small.
>>>>>>>> the class version error.
>>>>>>>> Remove the added "-m64" from your compiler flags. Then you'll build
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> 32Bit
>>>>>>>> version.
>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>> Sandeep
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Rainer
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