
Tomcat version "5.5.20"
Java version "1.5.0_09"

I run a production system with an single WAR file which communicates
to an outside-world web-service via a ActiveMQ.
Also it connects to an FTP service and does some image manipulation as well.
Spring is being used for IOC, and JDBC (JDBCTemplate of Spring) is
used for persisting.

When there are heavy queries on server, even though the free memory is
there for JVM it quickly utilizes memory and JVM seems not to garbage
collect even after users logging out.

I changed many JVM parameters with no luck and currently it is:
-server -Xms512m -Xmx2048m -XX:NewSize=128m -XX:MaxNewSize=128m

Found a couple of articles on Tomcat classloader issue, but this is
not rellay at the deployment of the WAR.

Any advice is welcome to enhance this massive page loading slowness
and out-of-memory problem.



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