The basewebAcessoLogin.unidade.seqUnidade.value returns an Integer object. The 
weird thing is that it works on Windows (netbeans + bundle tomcat), but it 
doesn't work on Debian. Both are running Tomcat 5.5.17. From my point of view 
it should work on both servers without the need to change anything.

I just made a test, created a converter for SelectOneMenu to converter from 
String to Integer and vice-versa. It's now working on both Windows and Debian. 
But my project currently has more than 200 web pages. It's an enterprise level 
web application, many modules, many functions and may be too many things on it. 

This problem started recently, couple of weeks ago the tomcat on Debian server 
wasn't complaining about anything, was running just as smooth as tomcat on 
Windows. It all started after we split the web project into smaller modules.

Now we have a web project that use several libraries, each library is a module 
with its own web pages, java source code for each page and so on.

Konstantin Kolinko wrote:
Well, looking at the sources...

The RendererUtils.getConvertedStringValue( , Object) method does
not accept values of selectItem.getValue() that are not instance of
java.lang.String, and generates that message that you are seeing.

In your code:


Is the value of seqUnidade.value a java.lang.String, or a java.lang.Integer?
If it is Integer, it may be the cause.

2008/7/10 Sérgio Vieira Rolanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I converted my jsp file to UTF-8 and set the file.enconding on JAVA_OPTS,
but still have the problem. Also another person here tried this on a
different computer not using Integer object but String objects instead and
it gives the same error. What I find more weird is that it says the value is
equal to 1 ("value=1") on the exception's message, but nothing is being set
to 1 anywhere on the code.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Value is no String
(class=java.lang.Integer, value=1) and .......

or that has nothing to do with the value I'm setting?

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