For some reason, this thing does not seem to want to let you go through port 8009 (or 8010), or it refuses to redirect these URLs. Could you "refresh" the copy of jk.log accessible through the web page, and your new httpd.conf ?

By the way, I can see your Tomcat examples pages also when I connect to port 9080, and I also see the "Not Found" when I try with port 80.

Make one more change to :


Restart Apache and try again.

If that does not work, I have one more thing to try :
I assume you are accessing this server from a Windows workstation.
If yes, then do the following :
- in a command window, do
and note the IP address.
- edit the file c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and add the following line :  jaatmusic
(where is the IP address you noted earlier)
- save the hosts file
- close and re-open your browser (important, to force it to re-read the hosts file)
- try the following URL :

Do you still get the "Not Found" ?

(By the above, I am trying to see if we are really accessing the server we think we are accessing).

Ravi Sharma wrote:
 STEP 1 :

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