kohanm schrieb:
Thanks Rainer,
The probelm here is that after redirecting, the URL shows the oldapp's
 name but I want the url shows the newapp name.

Then it is not case 1 and you need to pick another case.


On 7/24/08, Rainer Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
kohanm schrieb:
my case is Case 1:
can you give me an example for Redirect or RedirectMatch

Simplest case:

Redirect /oldapp http://myserver/newapp

More details at






Caldarale, Charles R schrieb:

From: kohanm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Context
or Mapping problems Apache 2.2 +mod_JK+ Tomcat 5.5

The webaplication is done now, but my boss asked me to change the
name of URL webapplication. IF I change the directory name than
there are many jsp pages with many links  with old name's

Now the true problem comes out - the webapp name is hardcoded within
the webapp; that's extremely bad practice.  I assume fixing those
won't be an easy task.

In this case, you're stuck with needing to deploy the webapp in the
directory corresponding to the old name; there's no way around that.
You can write a filter or valve in Tomcat that forwards or redirects
all requests for the new name to the old one.  You should also be
able to do that with mod_jk directives, but someone else will have to
help with that.

Someone else says:

If your webapp sends out responses with absolute URLs containing the
application name, then there's no easy solution.

Case 1: You only want to make the app reachable under the new name, but
don't care if users switch to the old name sometime during app use.

That's easy, simply redirect from the new name to the old name with a
Redirect or RedirectMatch in Apache httpd.

Case 2: You accept occasional occurence of the old name in THE URLs, but
should be mostly th enew one.

Deploy the webapp under the new name as Charles suggested. Add a
RewriteRule to Apache httpd to redirect any URL of the from
/oldapp/something to /newapp/something. Whenever Users click on an
link, the request will be answered by the redirect and the URLs quickly
replaced by the newapp URLs in the browser window. Caution: there might
problems with redirects and POST requests. All in all that's more a
Case 3: The oldapp name is not contained in the body of responses, but
used in redirects coming from the webapp. Then you could try using
mod_proxy, which allows to change the Location headers in redirects.

Case 4: You don't allow any use of the old name and the old name is
contained in links in response bodies.

Then you dynamically need to patch the responses. This will be a hack.
a look at either mod_substitute (httpd 2.2.8 or above, I think) or
mod_proxy_html (note: mod_proxy_html != mod_proxy_http).



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