Martin the problem is that even when you invalidat the session... the browser itself still knows that the user is cool... So TC will send it a new session ID and it will return the info without even asking the user to logon as such...

Please indicate the part of the Tomcat code which makes the above behavior happen. I quote from the Servlet 2.4 spec.

"If the user is authenticated using form login and has created an HTTP session, the timeout or invalidation of that sessions leads to the user being logged out in the sense that subsequent requests must be re-authenticated." (SRV. Login Form Notes)

so I don't think what you say is correct.

Even when a user opens a new page in the browser... it knows they "still" cool
Until the browser is closed they logged on ;)
And there is no direct "the browser is gone event"... browsers are stateless yada yada

This isn't actually correct. Invalidating the session on the server means that the browser's record of the session is as though the session never existed. Tomcat will no longer 'associate' session state with the session Id provided by the browser and all the state in the session is lost (unless persisted by an application.)

request.getRemoteUser() will return null because the browser and server can no longer agree on a sessionID, this is as other contributors have said the 'logged out' state.

The standard servlet authentication mechanisms will redirect any furtheraccess to protected pages to the selected login mechanism as soon as the session is invalidated.

if request.getRemoteUser() has the users name... they on... you dont know when they off

but you can track the user... either you have that in every page and if you get a name you record time page url... or you can stick that in a filter... which sits in front of all your pages, so you dont have to doctor every page on a site...

You know when they in... you dont know when they gone..

It is true that unless you have some javascript code which specifically generates an event to say that the browser is logged out AND the network connection is still valid, you don't actually know that the browser has 'gone'. However, you can easily generate a session timeout event.

I have actually implemented user state logging (detect log in event, detect navigation events and detect either manual logout or session timeout and it works fine. It is driven entirely from looking at the state of 'getRemoteUser' and the session timeout event.


Alan Chaney

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