----- Original Message ----- From: "Yoryos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 1:14 PM
Subject: Etags vs Week Etags

Hi all,
I don't know if I should be postting the the dev list but let's try from

I'm trying to understand how the etag are being applying to the static
resources. My problem is that I would like to get rid of the week etags,
that tomcat is applying. After a little bit of searching I ended up to the
org.apache.naming.resources.ResourceAttributes class where I found the
getETag(boolean strong) method. It's a very small method but I didn't
understand a small thing. Well the method is the above:

   public String getETag(boolean strong) {
       String result = null;
       if (attributes != null) {
           Attribute attribute = attributes.get(ETAG);
           if (attribute != null) {
               try {
                   result = attribute.get().toString();
               } catch (NamingException e) {
                   ; // No value for the attribute
       if (strong) {
           // The strong ETag must always be calculated by the resources
           result = strongETag;
       } else {
           // The weakETag is contentLenght + lastModified
           if (weakETag == null) {
               weakETag = "W/\"" + getContentLength() + "-"
                   + getLastModified() + "\"";
           result = weakETag;
       return result;

And my question is what the first if condition stand's for. Even if we'll
get an etag value (result = attribute.get().toString();), exatly after the
first if block, we get if / else blocks witch results to overriding the
previous result value to a strongETag or a weekETag!

What made me trying to find what is going on is that I always get week etags
for my static resources, witch is something I whould like to overcome as
some browsers doesn't handle them really well.

Thank you!

Flipping good question... and I have a feeling that there is some philosophy in the answer... reasons for the way it done... The short answer is that you cant (I think)... the default servlet makes em weak (thats the philamamasomamy)... That first section (strong) does nothing... the reason is that the setEtag method is there but as far as i can tell, never ever called by anything in Tomcat.
Its a hook...

But stay calm... there are ways...

This clever guy did this...

He is basically overriding the default servlet stuff to get things done.... its smart, he knows his tomcat, but personally I dont like it...

I think the generic problem is that a static resource cant control its Etag... its a dumb image, and secondly no matter what a web server does, another web server is going to do it different, so strong loses its meaning (more philamamasomamy)... or more simply, you just got to do it yourself...

I would prefer (or try, I havnt giving this a go)... make a little servlet, set the Etag headers yourself, map it to all the static resources you want to control...
And then do what you have to

getContentLength() + "-" + getLastModified() + IncludeFiles() + IncludedImages() + WhateEver() "\"";

etc... I think thats easiest...

The philamamasomamy on why TC chose to make it weak would be interesting to hear, but I do think that any serious scheme... on its way to some kind of private RSS system... will be doing its own thing.

Have fun... nice question

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