----- Original Message ----- From: "Johnny Kewl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 9:51 PM
Subject: Re: Etags vs Week Etags

----- Original Message ----- From: "Yoryos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: Etags vs Week Etags

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 8:12 PM, Johnny Kewl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Flipping good question... and I have a feeling that there is some
philosophy in the answer... reasons for the way it done...
The short answer is that you cant (I think)... the default servlet makes em
weak (thats the philamamasomamy)...
That first section (strong) does nothing... the reason is that the setEtag method is there but as far as i can tell, never ever called by anything in
Its a hook...

But stay calm... there are ways...

This clever guy did this...


He is basically overriding the default servlet stuff to get things done....
its smart, he knows his tomcat, but personally I dont like it...

I think the generic problem is that a static resource cant control its
Etag... its a dumb image, and secondly no matter what a web server does,
another web server is going to do it different, so strong loses its meaning (more philamamasomamy)... or more simply, you just got to do it yourself...

I would prefer (or try, I havnt giving this a go)... make a little servlet, set the Etag headers yourself, map it to all the static resources you want
to control...
And then do what you have to

getContentLength() + "-" + getLastModified() + IncludeFiles() +
IncludedImages() + WhateEver() "\"";

etc... I think thats easiest...

The philamamasomamy on why TC chose to make it weak would be interesting to hear, but I do think that any serious scheme... on its way to some kind of
private RSS system... will be doing its own thing.

Have fun... nice question

Well a quick solution is to extend the DefaultServlet to apply a "good"
etag. But then I should also check for this etag in case I have a request
with headers If-None-Match. This means that I should also extend the
class in order to be giving me a "good" etag.
I don't really care about the philosophy of using week etags. I'm sure there is one but as I can see there isn't any easy way of letting the user decide
the default headers of static content except from reinventing the wheel
(creating a custom DefaultServlet) and I think this is a problem as the
implementation of a new DefaultServlet isn't as easy as it seems to be.

I would try front end servlet, or a filter before massaging default servlet... but I agree, there is a lot of functionality in that deafult servlet that could be brought out...
As options and as extended tools in normal servlets.

Probably has a lot to do with following Suns specs to the letter, which is a good thing I guess. For example if you want XSLT in tomcat, first impression is its xerces and a complex servlet and lots of pain... you actually think tomcat cant do it, but then you look at the default servlet and "Obama!" its there ;) I call it TC's hidden gold mine ;)

Actually Yoryos... if you do decide on the overload method, been there tried that, its not really designed for it, its actually easier to isolate the whole servlet... ie just steal the code and make another servlet... packaging gets a little trick but the resulting solution is very small.
Thats how I fixed WebDav, which is another thing hiding in that gold mine ;)
It that case its not broken, but MS broke the spec, so Java guys say MS... you fix it, and MS says, we own the planet, so go play in Georgia... what I did is make one that works with both... so probably not a bad thing getting into it anyway... lots of good stuff there ;)
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