Hi Johny,

first of all you can't force people to use their brain, if someone is
building a portal or site which needs to be indexed
and is using single-entry-point framework, that means he hasn't
checked his requirements before he started to work or hasn't consulted
the seo guys/forums/mailing lists, hence its his fault.

Having said that, there are a lot of use cases where you explicitelly
don't want google or anyone else to index the site, cause it contains
private information, would you like to see your private emails or your
health check or your account's balance sheet in google, and would you
like other people to see it? For those cases it's completely
irrelevant whether the site is easy-index-able or not, and doesn't
influence your framework decision.

Craig McClanahan once said, that probably 90% of struts applications
worldwide are running behind company firewalls in intranets. How
relevant is indexing for those? (And yes, I know that they can buy
google appliance and index them privately :-))

For those 10% of the sites which are running publicly accessible
probably half of them need at least partial indexing. Even in that
case you're not done with framework alone, you need other css for
indexing, you shouldn't use tables, you need another content
disposition and and and ...

To  sum it up, there are a lot of homework you have to perform if you
want your site properly indexed, and using a framework which hides
everything behind one url and sends POST requests is surely contra
productive. But this doesn't give you the right to bash the framework
itself or warn people against its usage, since this framework have its
usage outside of your scope. It's like saying don't swim in a pool,
you could be attacked by piranhas.


P.S. and:
> Anyway that all I'm saying because I think after 6 months of hard work and
> design if developers do find themselves in this position, its a real
> gotcha...
> Probably can be avoided or done correctly in any framework... but they
> getting caught... thats all I'm trying to say to developers, because once
> there, how do you help them?

Create another navigation path using filters and rewrite (internal
forwards +url rewriting) rules and let google walk that path.

On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 1:41 AM, Johnny Kewl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Leon Rosenberg"
> To: "Tomcat Users List" <users@tomcat.apache.org>
> Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2008 9:49 PM
> Subject: Re: Newbies, becareful of pure cookie based magic... theres a few
> gotcha's
>> I think you are speaking about JSF and I think you are completely
>> misunderstanding the concept.
>> The diversification is done via parameters just as same as it's done
>> via content path or 'visible' parameters in
>> old school frameworks. The actual problem is that everything is sent
>> via POST and that is or was a problem with google some time ago.
>> But if you are creating a login protected site for members, why the
>> hell should you care about google?
>> Just separate seo-related content from the application and be happy.
>> The seo guys are happiest with php anyway.
> Leon... what is it that it all done with a POST?
> All I've noticed is that someone is asking questions, how do I get my site
> onto google, how do I get the proxy server to cache, and when you try help
> them it becomes apparent that its all behind one url... and then I really
> dont know what to tell em, other that redesign your site, sorry...
> Its actually difficult to imagine a site built using just using TC
> technology having a single url, its got to be coming from one major control
> servlet that even does things like include static content and ajax is used
> incorrectly.
> I tend to agree with this guy for instance...
> http://www.webpronews.com/expertarticles/2006/11/21/ajax-and-search-engines
> Ajax or XMLHttpRequest can use a post, but I've never used it that way, for
> the most part is always a get on our stuff?
> Whether public or private I think anyone should be thinking about the
> possibility of indexing their site.
> I dont think its impossible at all to make a cookie driven site search
> engine friendly, but it doesnt seem be happening...
> Without even taking technology, if one minute the content behind a url is
> "cars for sale", and the next minute its "top sales man of the year", how do
> you index that?
> And if a user is wanting to pull TC apart to get at Vary: ETags... wonder
> why that is... maybe another single url site got em ;)
> Anyway that all I'm saying because I think after 6 months of hard work and
> design if developers do find themselves in this position, its a real
> gotcha...
> Probably can be avoided or done correctly in any framework... but they
> getting caught... thats all I'm trying to say to developers, because once
> there, how do you help them?
>> On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 2:42 AM, Johnny Kewl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I see this in the Netbeans group and its popping up its ugly head and
>>> making
>>> other area's complex.
>>> It seems with these modern day frameworks, I have an idea which one it is
>>> in
>>> particular but wont mention names... that its possible to build an entire
>>> site behind one URL
>>> http://mydomain/IamInTroubleProject
>>> and every thing is cookie managed and delivered behind this URL...
>>> If you are doing that... just start by asking yourself, how google is
>>> going
>>> to index it... the actual content.
>>> And as I'm starting to realize there are other issues like caching
>>> proxies
>>> and the like...
>>> Going to add this to my other no no's like those people that insist on
>>> building entire site only in JSP pages... but this one is actually a big
>>> gotcha, especially when the client comes back and says... um I want them
>>> to
>>> find the stuff I'm selling ;)
>>> Have Fun...

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