Lars 'Levia' Wesselius schrieb:
> 2008/9/10 Rainer Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Lars 'Levia' Wesselius schrieb:
>>> 2008/9/10 Steve Ochani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> Send reply to:  Tomcat Users List <>
>>>> Date sent:      Wed, 10 Sep 2008 19:17:24 +0200
>>>> From:   Lars 'Levia' Wesselius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject:        Problem with Apache, Tomcat, mod_jk
>>>>> I have a problem using Tomcat 6.0.18, latest Apache, latest mod_jk and
>>>>> Java SE 6.
>>>> Latest is a relative term. At the moment latest apache webserver version
>> is
>>>> 2.2.9.
>>>>> I have it set up so I can access the main Tomcat page..but
>>>>> when I go to the manager from there, it shows a (apache) 404 error.
>>>>> Can someone help me with this problem? I have the configuration files
>>>>> ready for those who wants to have a look at them (mod_jk.conf (auto
>>>>> generated), httpd.conf (where I include mod_jk.conf), server.xml and
>>>>> You can find the config files here:
>>>>> http//
>>>> You forgot the : in the url.
>>> Sorry
>>>> That has to be the biggest mod_jk.conf I've ever seen. You may want to
>>>> start with something
>>>> simple.
>>> Most probably. It's automatically configured.
>>>> What did the logs show after you tried to access the manager app via
>> httpd?
>>>> Did you try the url as
>>>> http://hostname/manager/html/
>>>> ?
>>> Yes, that's where it goes to when you click Tomcat Manager, that's where
>> the
>>> 404 error pops up.
>> You need to show us the config and the relevant log part.
> I posted the configs..right? The log shows, when trying to access
> /manager/html (mod_jk.log)
> [Wed Sep 10 16:40:35 2008] [4199:1081847968] [debug]
> map_uri_to_worker::jk_uri_worker_map.c (597): Attempting to map URI
> '/manager/html' from 0 maps
> And that's all it logs.

Sorry, didn't see the config link. delete


they are useless.

server.xml: not readable (Forbidden)


JkLogLevel emerg: better use "info", and when debugging "debug" but not
for high load production.

JkLogFile: once your setup works, consider including rotatelogs.

manager-JkMounts: Those are in a virtual host named "localhost": I would
guess your requests to the manager webapp are served by another virtual
server or the global server. Those won't see the JkMounts defined in
"localhost". The above cited log message "from 0 maps" also tells us,
that the virtual server handling the requests din't find any JkMounts.

I would replace the whole localhost:/manager block by

JkMount /manager|/* ajp13


JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] ": Remove it or have a look at
the docomentation to include milliseconds.

JkAutoAlias /usr/share/apache-tomcat-6.0.18/webapps: do you really want



>> Can you use the manager when directly talking to Tomcat (using its HTTP
>> conector)?
> Yes, it works perfectly when using the Tomcat server itself, on port 8080.
>> Can you use any other context when connecting via the web server, so is
>> the problem manager specific, or does your whole Apache/mod_jk/Tomcat
>> setup not work?
> Erm..I have another servlet deployed, it works when using Tomcat server
> itself, but it doesn't work through Apache.
> Thanks

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