I created JkMounts for my own servlet:
JkMount /SiteReview|/* ajp13

and it worked! This means that every problem has been resolved now, though
I'm wondering, as in the previous message, can I easily deploy applications
using the manager, or would I have to add the JkMounts all the time?

And I'm wondering..what does the '|' mean in the JkMount?

If it's a test system and you don't care about security and control, you could mount

JkMount /* ajp13

What does the '|' mean?

JkMount a|b is a short form for

JkMount a
JkMount ab

It is mostly used for

JkMount /myapp|/*

to map /myapp and /myap/something, but not /myappold.

If you don't want to map '/*' but need more dynamics:

Adding JkMount needs an "apachctl graceful" afterwards. This usually has only very little impact on the system. If you still don't like it, use JkMountFile and read




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