Good afternoon. My company, Centocor, is in the process of upgrading its operating System from Windows 2000 to XP/Vista and its Office 2000 to Office 2007. They have installed on, I'm not sure how many, some computers Apache Tomcat, version 5.5. Please answer the following questions at your earliest convenience:

1) Is the software compatible with XP? If not, what is the compatible version and what are the costs involved in upgrading?
It runs beautifully on XP. I have it running with identical settings on Win2k and XP (my development machine is XP, and the production server is 2k).

2) Is the software compatible with Vista? If not, what is the compatible version and what are the costs involved in upgrading?
Yes it can run on Vista, but I have no personal experience as to what settings adjustments may need to be made, if any.

3) If the software is not independent of Office 2007, is it compatible with it? If not, what is the compatible version and what are the costs involved in upgrading?
It neither knows nor cares what versions of office or IE are installed; there is no connection between Tomcat and office or IE.

4) If the software is not independent of IE, what versions of it are compatible?

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