> Good afternoon. My company, Centocor, is in the process of upgrading 
> its operating System from Windows 2000 to XP/Vista and its Office 2000 
> to Office 2007. They have installed on, I'm not sure how many, some 
> computers Apache Tomcat, version 5.5. Please answer the following 
> questions at your earliest convenience:
MG>answers prefixed with MG> 
> 1) Is the software compatible with XP? If not, what is the compatible 
> version and what are the costs involved in upgrading?
MG>TC does not have <in>compatibility issues as long as you stay with basic 
java -jar bootstrap.jar functionality
MG>If you are using windows binaries such as jsvc and or Windows installer to 
execute windows startup binaries MG>(such as windows startup services) which 
modify registry you will have to resolve each issue on as needed MG>basis More 
information is available at
> 2) Is the software compatible with Vista? If not, what is the 
> compatible version and what are the costs involved in upgrading?
MG>As this question has been answered before and I encourage you to read this 
MG>unfortunately as Vista is cost prohibitively expensive for the majority of 
TC developers many of us cannot
MG>help you with that specific requirement ..keep in mind
MG>Vista is in charge of resources e.g. how Users are created ,who has access 
to what Folder, Sockets
MG>when vista sees an external process (especially Java.exe) it may disallow 
MG>access to that socket (port 8080 may be blocked by Vista firewall)
MG>access to the binaries ..Vista may be disallowing access to java.exe or jspc 
MG>access to the folder %CATALINA_HOME% may be blocked by Vista
MG>the security issues of <That installed .NET Framework> will need to be 

> 3) If the software is not independent of Office 2007, is it compatible 
> with it? If not, what is the compatible version and what are the costs 
> involved in upgrading?
MG>the way TC handles Microsoft Compound Documents such as XLS and DOC files 
are thru POI Apache interface
MG>This common POI interface allows access to HSSF (binary file format, .xls) 
and XSSF (ooxml file format, .xlsx)
MG>i think its safe to assume POI access to legacy .doc Documents and .xls 
Spreadsheets is assumed
MG>in other words read access to POI docs is almost assured..write capability 
is another matter

> 4) If the software is not independent of IE, what versions of it are 
> compatible?
MG>TC by itself is not dependent on any IE version but uses IE for browsing 
MG>The question you may want to ask is which version MSXML capabilities will I 
get with MS Office 07?
MG>as you can see you have a choice of only use MXML 5 for Office-07 or use the 
universally accepted MSXML6
MG>again TC developers use (MSXML) capabilities -generally for XMLHttpRequest 
transmissions for Ajax
MG>but you may want to consult with certified "Microsoft Office" technicians 
who do these installations day in and MG>day out for any incompatibilities 
between (a specific version of) IE and (a specific version of) Microsoft Office

> Thanks,
> Isabel
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