
 Sorry about the copy/paste issue, i meant to use AJP

 My issue is that the tomcat app, seems to want to redirect to
/myapp1/some/file.html for a 302 (as an example) which is causing the
issue.  is there a way around this  ?  This path gets back to apache which
gets back to the end user who does not know how to process /myapp1/ in the

 Any reason this is a "bad" idea ?



On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 10:17 PM, AD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hello,
>  If i have a tomcat app deployed at http://localhost:8080/myapp1/  and
> http://localhost:8080/myapp2/ and i want 2 virtualhosts in apache to map
> "/" to each one of these apps, is this possible?
> Trying something like
> <Proxy balancer://app1/>
>     BalancerMember ajp://localhost:8009/app1/
>     BalancerMember ajp://localhost:8009/app1/
> </Proxy>
> <Proxy balancer://tomcat_1_1/>
>     BalancerMember ajp://localhost:8009/app2/
>     BalancerMember ajp://localhost:8009/app2/
> </Proxy>
> Then in each virtualhost
> HTTP Virtualhost 1:
> ProxyPass / balancer://app1
> ProxyPassReverse / balancer://app1
> HTTP Virtualhost 2:
> ProxyPass / balancer://app1
> ProxyPassReverse / balancer://app1
> but getting path errors all over.
>  Thx
>  Adam

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