 If i have a tomcat app deployed at http://localhost:8080/myapp1/  and
http://localhost:8080/myapp2/ and i want 2 virtualhosts in apache to map "/"
to each one of these apps, is this possible?

Trying something like

<Proxy balancer://app1/>
    BalancerMember ajp://localhost:8009/app1/
    BalancerMember ajp://localhost:8009/app1/

<Proxy balancer://tomcat_1_1/>
    BalancerMember ajp://localhost:8009/app2/
    BalancerMember ajp://localhost:8009/app2/

Then in each virtualhost

HTTP Virtualhost 1:
ProxyPass / balancer://app1
ProxyPassReverse / balancer://app1

HTTP Virtualhost 2:
ProxyPass / balancer://app1
ProxyPassReverse / balancer://app1

but getting path errors all over.


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