
for my research project I've been doing some ApsectJ magic with Tomcat and deployed WebApps. Among other things I'm interested in detecting at runtime when TagHandlers instantiated in a HttpServlet go out of scope. Since that can't be done with AspectJ I was tracking garbage collection to see when the objects get removed. To be sure that that made some sense I looked at where the servlet code instantiates the TagHandlers, and since they are created and used as local variables, I was expecting them to be collected after the servlet finishes processing. Unfortunately, a few experiments showed that that is not the case. After delving into the details of the servlet code generated for JSP pages I discovered that the methods instantiating TagHandlers also store them in TagHandlerPools using #reuse(). I'm doing my experiments with a demo application for Java Server Faces, and all JSF tag handler implement javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspIdConsumer. The spec says that handler implementing that interface may not be reused, so I was wondering if this is a potential bug or if I'm missing some intricate detail of how things work.


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