> From: Jerome Lepage - AKEROZ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I have developped a web application on Tomcat (5.0.28).
> My webapp use Hibernate 3 and i have a Singleton pattern too.
> I want have my webapp deployed N time in same Tomcat Server.
> But i don't want to share context, hibernate and Singleton
> from one webapp to other.
> (Like database access is not the same)

Have you tried just deploying it N times, making sure all the jars are in 
WEB-INF/lib?  Each webapp should get its own classloader, and hence will have 
its own copies of Hibernate and your singleton.  I *think* they'll have 
different contexts, too, but I've not tried this.

By the way: if you start getting out of memory errors as you deploy more 
copies, make sure you have enough perm space configured in your JVM options.  
Hibernate can generate a lot of classes, and lots of copies of these classes 
can consume a lot of perm space.

                - Peter

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