Hi, Thanks to you too for your answers.

> Have you tried just deploying it N times, making sure all the jars are in 
> WEB-INF/lib?
> Each webapp should get its own classloader, and hence will have its own copies
> of Hibernate and your singleton.  I *think* they'll have different contexts, 
> too,
> but I've not tried this.

No i don't have tried at this time, i'm in "beta" version so i try to 
anticipate this problem before i was at this part :)
Ok i will try, thanks

> By the way: if you start getting out of memory errors as you deploy more 
> copies,
> make sure you have enough perm space configured in your JVM options.  
> Hibernate can generate a lot of classes, and lots of copies of these classes 
> can
> consume a lot of perm space.

I'm glade to discuss about that.
I'm aware that hibernate is a big giant library wich use lot of memory.
But when i launch tomcat with this env vars :
JAVA_OPTS="-XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xms24m -Xmx512m"

Tomcat looks like not really care about the memory i grant to JVM.
It's seems that tomcat have the memory but don't give to the différents contexts
I have a poor "Free memory" at each time...

Is it something i miss or not ?

Thanks again to you

Jerome Lepage

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