
I'm facing this weird situation. I've a URL which is like this:;jsessionid=A9BA1447B82CB594B176D479288EAE1B?_flowId=careGiverTrack&_flowExecutionKey=_c46E07E3E-DC94-02A4-7961-763335C051A0_kC04C8A37-D22F-EF55-75E9-AD4514579721&_eventId=patientNotFound

jsessionid is in the URL. When I request it with Firefox, the request
is processed fine. But, this URL is meant to be requested by OpenVXI,
a VXML interpreter. When OpenVXI requests this, the jsessionid is
being ignored. The request goes to the correct servlet and all the
parameters are reaching correctly. But, only it's initializing a new
session ignoring the session id passed in URL.

I logged the following details:

With firefox client:

2008-10-25 20:42:31,912 DEBUG [com.gaoc.filters.ParamSessionBinder] -
<Requested session id: A9BA1447B82CB594B176D479288EAE1B>
2008-10-25 20:42:31,913 DEBUG [com.gaoc.filters.ParamSessionBinder] -
<Is requested session Id from cookie? false>
2008-10-25 20:42:31,913 DEBUG [com.gaoc.filters.ParamSessionBinder] -
<Is requested session Id from URL? true>
2008-10-25 20:42:31,913 DEBUG [com.gaoc.filters.ParamSessionBinder] -
<Is requested session Id valid? true>
2008-10-25 20:42:31,913 DEBUG [com.gaoc.filters.ParamSessionBinder] -
<Parameter: _flowId with value: careGiverTrack>
2008-10-25 20:42:31,913 DEBUG [com.gaoc.filters.ParamSessionBinder] -
<Parameter: _eventId with value: patientNotFound>
2008-10-25 20:42:31,913 DEBUG [com.gaoc.filters.ParamSessionBinder] -
<Parameter: _flowExecutionKey with value:
2008-10-25 20:42:31,913 DEBUG [com.gaoc.filters.ParamSessionBinder] -
<Session Id: A9BA1447B82CB594B176D479288EAE1B>

With OpenVXI:

2008-10-25 20:42:34,418 DEBUG [com.gaoc.filters.ParamSessionBinder] -
<Requested session id: null>
2008-10-25 20:42:34,418 DEBUG [com.gaoc.filters.ParamSessionBinder] -
<Is requested session Id from cookie? false>
2008-10-25 20:42:34,418 DEBUG [com.gaoc.filters.ParamSessionBinder] -
<Is requested session Id from URL? false>
2008-10-25 20:42:34,419 DEBUG [com.gaoc.filters.ParamSessionBinder] -
<Is requested session Id valid? false>
2008-10-25 20:42:34,419 DEBUG [com.gaoc.filters.ParamSessionBinder] -
<Parameter: _flowId with value: careGiverTrack>
2008-10-25 20:42:34,419 DEBUG [com.gaoc.filters.ParamSessionBinder] -
<Parameter: _eventId with value: patientNotFound>
2008-10-25 20:42:34,419 DEBUG [com.gaoc.filters.ParamSessionBinder] -
<Parameter: _flowExecutionKey with value:
2008-10-25 20:42:34,419 DEBUG [com.gaoc.filters.ParamSessionBinder] -
<Session Id: 1D0281C03C9B1CBE74B3DB253BFA5C98>

The URL used is similar for both the requests, but when OpenVXI is
requesting it, jsessionid is being ignored. i.e., requested session id
is shown as null. I'm not sure how client can affect it. Any pointers
as to why jsessionid is being ignored and what I can do about it would
be very helpful.

Thanks in advance,

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