Vinuth Madinur wrote:

I'm facing this weird situation. I've a URL which is like this:;jsessionid=A9BA1447B82CB594B176D479288EAE1B?_flowId=careGiverTrack&_flowExecutionKey=_c46E07E3E-DC94-02A4-7961-763335C051A0_kC04C8A37-D22F-EF55-75E9-AD4514579721&_eventId=patientNotFound

jsessionid is in the URL.

The request above looks bizarre to me.

If the "jsessionid" was really a parameter in this URL, it would need to be after the "?", which is my understanding is what separates the URL part from the "query string" part.
Like this :

Maybe Firefox is smart enough to put things back together correctly before issuing the request to the server, and your other client program is not ?

You could find out by getting the "LiveHttpHeaders" add-on for Firefox, and see what Firefox really sends to the server.
It is anyway an extremely valuable tool to handle issues like this.

The other possibility would be to add something on the server side, that logs the real (complete, unparsed) request URL at the moment it comes in to the server, and check again how it looks like in each case.

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