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Jason Cipriani wrote:
> I'm developing with Eclipse but could configure custom build steps
> with ant. This solution would remove most of the inconvenience, but I
> would still have to make 4 separate WARs available for distribution.
> Not *too* big of a deal but I'd rather just distribute a single
> archive.

If you need a different web.xml file for each machine, they you will, by
definition, require a different WAR for each machine. There's really
nothing you can do about that.

Another option would be to configure your application using something
other than web.xml.... but then you've just moved the problem to another

We use a file in the user's home directory (called .ant.properties) that
includes machine-specific environmental information. To deploy, we grab
the source from CVS and run "ant install" which does everything,
including merging the machine-specific configuration into the WAR and
deploying it. We have a small number of production machines, so this
isn't a big deal for us. If we had a large number, we'd just further
script the process by allowing the WAR creation to be parameterized by,
say, command-line switches (which they really are, since you can define
any ant property right on the command-line).

Hope that helps,
- -chris

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