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Michal Singer wrote:
> 1. request processors are equivalent to threads?

Yes. The only thing that can execute code is a thread. Given your
configuration, it appears that you will have 500 maximum threads.

I am a little unfamiliar with the NIO connector, but this is what the
documentation says when using useExecutor="true":

If set to true(default) then the max pool size is the maxThreads
attribute and the core pool size is the minSpareThreads. This value is
ignored if the executor attribute is present and points to a valid
shared thread pool.

> 2. doesn't nio work with one thread? (I thougt that this thread
> configuration is irrelevant since nio works with one thread to receive
> requests.)

Nope. The NIO connector is just a non-blocking one. A single thread
could never supply suitable performance for a web application. You might
be thinking of Comet, which is a completely different beast.


> 3. I shouldn't work with Executor while working with nio connector?

Using the executor is perfectly find. I think Chuck and I were confused
since the executor is typically specified separately (as <Executor>) but
the documentation appears to suggest that an executor will be
automatically created given your configuration.

> 4. can you send me an example of nio good configuration?

Your configuration appears to be good, actually. The only problems are:

1. You are nervous about the number of request processors appearing
   (and you probably shouldn't be, unless you are hardly using your
    app at all and you are still seeing hundreds of request processor
    threads being created)

2. Your application hangs, which is, of course, a serious problem.

For that last one, you'll need to take thread dumps to find out what
your app is waiting on. You might want to scale back the number of
request processors (maxThreads setting) so your thread dumps are small
enough to read without losing your mind.

My guess is that you are hitting your database thread pool limit and the
application is simply waiting for db connections to become available.

- -chris
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