Hey Filip,

    sorry abt that. here is the example web application zip file:

please unzip it, put it in your webapps directory, then you should be able
to access the cart using

juss FYI...this is how u can reproduce it
1) set the LB for sticky sessions
2) start tomcat1
3) access the cart and add some items (lets say 6 items)
4) now start tomcat2
5) add some more items ( lets say 3 more...so total items would be 6+3=9)
(here request still goes to tomcat 1 because of sticky sessions setup)
6) stop tomcat1
7) add some more items (now request goes to tomcat2, here we can see that
the new item gets added as 7th item to the first 6 items and the 3 items we
added later can not be seen)

Thanks for the help

On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Filip Hanik - Dev Lists <

> you're attachment didn't go through, just post a complete example somewhere
> on the web.
> for free support, you can't expect the other guy (me in this case) to have
> to spend time setting up to replicate your environment
> instead, you do the legwork, and you get help for free, not a bad trade if
> you ask me
> Filip
> rohit aman wrote:
>> Hi Filip,
>>     All I did was to modify sessions application that comes with tomcat.
>> It's just two simple changes shown below.
>>   1) Replace the DummCart.class in
>> <tomcat-home>\apache-tomcat-6.0.18\webapps\examples\WEB-INF\classes\sessions
>> with the attached one.
>>   2)mark the web.xml in
>> <tomcat-home>\apache-tomcat-6.0.18\webapps\examples\WEB-INF as distributable
>> by adding </distributable> tag
>>   3)then access this by using
>> https://localhost/examples/jsp/sessions/carts.jsp
>> Please let me know...Thanks for doing this
>> Rohit
>>  On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 6:55 PM, Filip Hanik - Dev Lists <
>>    post a sample app, and we can test it out
>>    Filip
>>    rohit aman wrote:
>>        Hi,
>>          I had setup a tomcat cluster with two nodes. followed the
>>        instructions
>>        from "tomcat 6 clustering how to" document. I created a sample
>>        application to test out my cluster.  This application has a
>>        cart where u can
>>        add items.
>>        now, the problem is, not all session variables are getting
>>        replicated. below
>>        is the scenario..
>>        1)start tomcat 1
>>        2)access the cart add items to it ( lets say added 5 items )
>>        3)start tomcat 2
>>        4)add some more items ( 3 more...so totally 8) ( this is done
>>        using tomcat 1
>>        again because my LB is configured for sticky sessions)
>>        5)stop tomcat 1
>>        6)access the cart (now the request goes to tomcat 2)...here *I
>>        can only see
>>        the first 5 items where as it should be 8. *So, the next three
>>        did not get
>>        replicated.
>>        whichever session or session attribute gets created when both
>>        nodes are
>>        running is not getting replicated for some reason.
>>        I am monitoring both nodes with Jconsole. In Jconsole the
>>        number of session
>>        for the application =  sessions in node 1 + sessions in node
>>        2. So, this
>>        says that sessions are being replicated. But, I am not sure
>>        why I am not
>>        able to access all sessions/sessionAttributes.
>>        Any help is very much appreciated.
>>        Thanks
>>        Rohit
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