(Cross-posted on Apache CXF Mailing List)

I have developed a Client for accessing a vendor's Web Service. The client is based on the CXF framework, built with source code generated from a Maven-based pom.xml and the vendor's WSDL.

I ran this client in a standalone JUnit test and found it to work. Being a curmudgeon who doesn't believe in including every jar under the sun and who likes to know why I'm including what I am including, I removed 14 of the 47 jars that Maven told me to include, but which seemed irrelevant to me, and it still ran.

The ultimate destination of this component is inside a web-app running under Tomcat 6.0. When I put my component and the 33 necessary jars into WEB-INF/lib I got NoClassDefFoundErrors. These errors are singularly uninformative, all I know is that the class supposedly not found is my client class, however, given the following code:

MyClient myclient1 = null;
MyClient myclient2 = new MyClient();

the error occurs on the second line and not the first. Therefore I conclude that the NoClassDefFoundError refers to a dependency, and not to MyClient itself. The NoClassDefFoundError itself is singularly uninformative - the getCause() member, for example, returns null. I need more information and can't figure out where to find it.

I have since tried putting back all the fourteen other jars that Maven insisted I include and THIS DID NOT HELP. I am beginning to think the problem is not a missing class but a class conflicting with something in Tomcat.

How the HELL do I debug this, given the miserable lack of information in a NoClassDefFoundError?
I have tried putting a
switch on the jvm command line that launches Tomcat, and while this does emit a slew more information, it still doesn't tell me what I need.

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