Stefan Rainer wrote:

SEVERE: An exception or error occurred in the container during the request
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Exception in thread "http-16302-Processor151" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:
Java heap space

Extract from configuration / status, if needed:
Free memory: 10.42 MB Total memory: 63.56 MB Max memory: 63.56 MB

I am far from the expert, but according to some recent answers to some recent questions of my own, what I see above would lead me to say (without disrespect) : are you kidding ?

In other words, are you really running this Tomcat on a machine that has only 64 MB of RAM ? or starting Tomcat under a JVM that can only use 64 MB of memory ?
That is very, very little.

To explain : I am running a Tomcat in an in-house test machine with a total of 512 MB ram, and starting Tomcat with 200Mb of Heap space (-Xms 200M -Xmx200M), and I have been told here to get a serious machine..

The good news is that for the mere 50$ that it would cost you to add another 1Gb of Ram to this machine, you would probably solve your problem.

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