Sorry, I was so shocked by the last info about 64 MB, that I missed what you wrote about the physical machine...

Stefan Rainer wrote:

we are running a Tomcat 5.0.28 on W2k Server with 2 GB RAM and JVM
1.5.0_11-b03 which is mainly used as application server for (Axis-based)
SOAP Services.

So, the machine itself has enough memory, it's just that the way Tomcat is started, the JVM under which it runs does not receive more than 64 MB of Heap space to run, which is really low for a server.

The fix is probably simple ; you need to increase how much heap memory Java can play with.

Since you are running this under Windows, I presume it runs as a service, and probably in your Tomcat/bin directory you have 2 files : tomcat5.exe and tomcat5w.exe. tomcat5w.exe is a GUI application, which allows you to set the parameters under which the JVM of Tomcat is started.
Double-click on it, select the "Java" tab.
At the bottom of that tab, there are 2 input boxes : Initial Memory Pool and Maximum Memory Pool. Enter 256 in each of them, and click OK.
Then restart your Tomcat service and see if you still get the same problem.

These parameters are the equivalent of specifying the "-Xms256M and -Xmx256M" on the java command-line that starts Tomcat.

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