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To whom it may concern,

Kranti™ K K Parisa wrote:
> Could you please help me with the commands that i need to run to watch the
> thread dump.

Are you running Tomcat as a service, or are you starting it manually
from the command line? If you start it manually and have a terminal
open, press CTRL-\ which will cause the JVM to emit a thread dump to the

If you're running Tomcat as a service, you'll need to try some other
techniques. Google for something like "tomcat windows service thread
dump" to find out how to get a thread dump.

> and when i run java -verbose:gc its asking for options, what
> can i select along with that ?

You need to change the options that Tomcat uses to start the JVM. If you
aren't running as a service, you can set the JAVA_OPTS environment
variable to "-verbose:gc" before starting Tomcat using startup.bat. If
you are running a service, I think you have to run "tomcat5w.exe" in the
bin directory and edit the options from the "Java" tab.

Hope that helps,
- -chris
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