On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 12:37 PM, Oliver Schoett
> Leon Rosenberg wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 9:50 AM, Oliver Schoett
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
>>> Martin Gainty wrote:
>>>> so the solution is put all updates/inserts to the arraylist into a
>>>> synchronized method?
>>> You must synchronize all read and write methods, because nothing may run
>>> in
>>> parallel with a write method, and so read methods must be prevented from
>>> executing if a write method runs already.
>>> The only exception is if you can ensure that the ArrayList is read-only
>>> at
>>> some point in your program (e. g., after a setup phase).
>>> Arguing that the size() function cannot loop does not help, because the
>>> size
>>> function could be called internally in an infinite loop (this would be
>>> visible in the call stack).
>> Oliver,
>> I'm very sorry but i really don't see your point.
>> The only possible need to synchronize access to ArrayList.size is when
>> you a) access the list from different threads and b) need the result
>> to be exact. Neither was the fact in my original post, in fact, as we
>> already resolved it, the vm was getting out of old gen space and
>> afterwards just behaving weird.
> Three points:
> (1) In the absence of call stack information, we do not know whether the
> size() calls showing up in the thread dumps come from the application or are
> internal calls from some other ArrayList function that may be in an infinite
> loop.

The stack trace was sent to people who wanted it.

> (2) That size() cannot loop may be a property of the current implementation;
> it is not guaranteed by the API.

Actually it is.
* The <tt>size</tt>, <tt>isEmpty</tt>, <tt>get</tt>, <tt>set</tt>,
 * <tt>iterator</tt>, and <tt>listIterator</tt> operations run in constant
 * time.  The <tt>add</tt> operation runs in <i>amortized constant time</i>,
 * that is, adding n elements requires O(n) time.  All of the other operations
 * run in linear time (roughly speaking).  The constant factor is low compared
 * to that for the <tt>LinkedList</tt> implementation.<p>

> (3) In general, when you query the size, you then want to do something
> according to the value you got. Unless there is a synchronizaton block
> around the size call and the subsequent action that guarantees that there
> are no intervening changes to the ArrayList, the size call is useless, as
> the ArrayList may change arbitrarily between the size call and the action.
>  Thus in general, even "harmless" query functions will appear inside
> synchronized sections together with the actions that use the result value.
> (The only exception I see is where the result value is just used for
> information and does not control any action).

You should consider using synchronized lists :-) (for example Vector).


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