How to configure JNDI in order to avoid the error "Last packet sent to the server was xxxxx ms ago."? I've seen two other errors which seem to be from the same cause: "Communications link failure" and "Connection.close90 has already been called".
This is what I've come up with, but wonder if it is is good and efficient: <Resource name="jdbc/myname" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" driverClassName="my.custom.mysql.Driver" url="[EMAIL PROTECTED]:mysql://localhost:3306" username="user" password="encode:abcdefg" initialSize="1" maxActive="15" maxIdle="15" minEvictableIdleTimeMillis="43200000" maxWait="5000" removeAbandoned="true" removeAbandonedTimeout="30" logAbandoned="true" testOnBorrow="true" testWhileIdle="true" validationQuery="select 1"/> The my.custom.mysql.Driver class decodes and decrypts the password, and passes these to the base class, which is com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver. I read that the validationQuery="select 1" validates the connection before returning it to the user. If the select statement fails, then the connection is removed from the pool and a new one is created. What I'm not sure is if I need the testOnBorrow="true" and testWhileIdle="true". The MySQL connection timeout is 12 hours, so I set minEvictableIdleTimeMillis="43200000". From the doc at, it looks like this is the minimum time that the connection may sit idle in the pool until it is considered for eviction/removal. So I set the value to 12 hours. So I imagine that after 12 hours, the validation query will run and it will fail because the connection has been closed on the server, and so the idle connection will be removed. In my case, the last packet was sent about 57xxx milliseconds ago, which is less than a minute, which is much less than the 12 hour MySQL connection timeout. Yet the error happens only after around 12 hours. I expect the error to be "... 43200000 ms ago" or something like that. Also, I read that the validationQuery adds performance overhead, and maybe the Java code should handle exceptions. But how would this work? I'm guessing you catch the SQLException, and if it is "Last packet sent to the server was xxxxx ms ago" then call connection.reconnect and attempt the operation again. But java.sql.Connection does not have a function reconnect. The other thing I could try in code, is that after getting the connection by calling ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/myname"), is to call connection.isValid() or connection.isClosed(), and if the connection is closed then call something to remove it from the pool. But java.sql.Connection does not have a function removeMeFromThePoolIBelongTo(). Finally, I'm concerned about maxIdle="15" and removeAbandoned="true". If a connection is used for a SQL statement then closed, it becomes idle. But then, will it be removed? Or does removeAbandoned="true" only apply to connections that are still active (i.e. connection.close() has not been called on it) for removeAbandonedTimeout="30" seconds? --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]