Hi Jesse,

Jesse Klaasse schrieb:
> After two months with a system running smoothly, we are currently
> experiencing the same problems again (albeit less often).
> A little update:
> - The system's memory has been upgraded to 16 GB, Tomcat's memory settings
> are Xms4096m and Xmx10240m now.

When using big heaps, you need to take extra effort to get your GC
settings right. Do you have GC-Logs? What are the JVM options you use to
start Tomcat?

> - We are using commons-dbcp 1.2.2 instead of Tomcat's internal pooling
> mechanism, so with org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory as data
> source factory
> - Java version is Sun JDK now. We are still at IIS 6.0, JK 1.2.26,
> Tomcat 5.5.20 and APR 1.1.14.
> - We have no automatic Tomcat reboots
> - Currently this 503 hang happens about once or twice a week
> Attached you will find a part of the isapi_redirector.log of today (the
> whole morning 503 errors occurred). 
> I also tried to create a thread dump using StackTrace while Tomcat was
> hanging, but it didn't really work. The other JVM's were able to produce a
> thread dump, and since all JVM's are part of the same group of services, I
> have included this thread dump.

The attached thread dumps do not belong to Tomcat. They are from the
Gauss VIP Content Server.

> Any idea, anyone?

First of all I assume you are talking about the event starting at 07:09?
The initial problems are Timeouts (Winsock 10060). So again we need to
find out, why things took to long on the backend. Thread Dumps would be
a good start ...

As we don't have them:

- Check without APR
- Check whether your GC takes to long

> http://www.nabble.com/file/p20930602/20081210_isapi_redirect.zip
> 20081210_isapi_redirect.zip 
> http://www.nabble.com/file/p20930602/20081210_threaddump.txt
> 20081210_threaddump.txt 



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