Rainer Jung wrote:

Thanks Rainer.
You gave me more than hope. The tip below already does it.
You just saved my laptop, and Warszaw.


You compiled with Java 6 and try to run under Java 5. That won't work, unless you add "-target 1.5" to your javac arguments.
I did, and it works. The servlet compiled that way on my laptop runs fine on the server, and it even does what I wanted.

It is really a ridiculous little servlet, but considering it is going to save installing and running Samba and winbind on 4 servers, it's worth its weight in diamonds.

Unfortunately you didn't tell us, how you called javac on the IBM system. I think it is recommendation number 6. ;)

I didn't because I know you guys love to guess, and I didn't want to spoil the fun.

It's a whole process to connect to that server, and when I am connected I lose my other connections (email e.g.). Unfortunately I didn't think of copying the javac line before disconnecting to write the post, and I was too lazy to reconnect. But now I did, because even if the tip above works, I wanted to understand why the compilation didn't before.

It was of course a stupid error in the script, which I copied from my laptop and modified for that Linux server, but not quite well enough.

This is the shell script I originally used to try to compile the servlet on that server :

$JAVA_HOME/bin/javac -classpath "$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar;$TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib/servlet-api.jar;$TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib/commons-el.jar" $1

And the stupid error was :
on Unix, contrary to Windows, one has to use ":" to separate classpath components, instead of ";"

As per your recommendation # 1 I also removed the tools.jar, so the final script which works is :

$JAVA_HOME/bin/javac -classpath "$TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib/servlet-api.jar:$TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib/commons-el.jar " $1

(javac is one single line)

Looks like servlet-api.jar is not on your build classpath. Look inside the jar, you can find all the missing classes there.
That was due to the semicolons.

So, you see, if I had copied the javac line in the first post, you guys would have spotted that error right away, and I would never have known about the "-target 1.5" switch.

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