Too many bins; I meant /tmp/zzz (as it is in the script).

Rusty Wright wrote:
What options are available to you to determine if the daemon is ready? For example, does it create a lock file? If so, you could modify your tomcat startup script in /etc/init.d, the one that calls /usr/local/tomcat/bin/, and have it check if the daemon is ready and wait until it is, then when it is proceed and start tomcat.

For example, here's a little /bin/sh script that waits for the file /bin/zzz to be created and sleeps 5 seconds and keeps checking:

while test ! -f /tmp/zzz
   echo "sleeping for 5 seconds"
   /bin/sleep 5

echo "here we go" wrote:
I am using Tomcat6.0.14 with Jdk1.6 on Linux RH4.

My application comprises a daemon and Tomcat6. The daemon is slow in starting up. I need Tomcat6 to be started after the daemon is operational. While the daemon is a Java application, its a third-party tool whose src I do not control.
Is there any mechanism within Tomcat configuration by which I could
implement this "chaining" or synchronization such that starts
Tomcat VM after the daemon is somehow determined to be active?

Tx, - U

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