2009/1/18 Yuval Perlov <yu...@r-u-on.com>:
> Setup:
> For one of our projects we are using httpd in front of tomcat.
> At the moment everything is routed via tomcat, static and dynamic content
> alike (except for one directory of images that resides outside the
> application).
> We are using AJP proxy.
> Symptoms:
> After running for a while (day or two depending how much traffic we have)
> the web pages render "funny". It seems as if the wrong resources are being
> sent - when I go over the DOM I see that objects that have the right URL for
> background images etc. are dealt the wrong pictures. It seems as though the
> connection is not thread safe (this is just how it seems - I don't know if
> it is the actual problem).
> This happens only on the https channel and does not affect the :80 virtual
> host!
> Versions (latest versions):
> Redhat Fedora 10
> Server version: Apache/2.2.10 (Unix)
> Tomcat: 6.0.16
> Config file:
> <VirtualHost>
>    ServerAdmin sea...@patentest.co.il  DocumentRoot
>  /home/apache/www/html/patentest.co.il
>    ServerName www.patentest.co.il
>    SSLEngine on
>    SSLCipherSuite
>    SSLCertificateFile certs/www.patentest.co.il.crt
>    SSLCertificateKeyFile certs/www.patentest.co.il.key
>    SSLCACertificateFile certs/gd_bundle.crt
>    ErrorLog logs/patentest.co.il_ssl_error_log
>    CustomLog logs/patentest.co.il_ssl_log common
>    SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown
>    Alias /ptimg/ home/images/images/
>    ProxyPass /ipmaster !
>    ProxyPass /ptimg !
>    ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/
> </VirtualHost>
> If anyone has seen this or has some ideas how to troubleshoot and isolate,
> I'd be most grateful.

It reminds me of the thread entitled
"Apache/mod_jk serves random files from tomcat"

You can read it here:
or here:

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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