Toriacht schrieb am 02.02.2009 um 15:41:17 (-0800):
> My problem is on Tomcat with NO IDE. I mentioned just the IDE to
> illustrate that the service does work. It's when I leave the IDE i
> have problems.
> There are NO errors in any of the logs! Catilina.log mentions that it
> is deplying the service on startup. thats it.
> I only mentioned the Log4j message because..
> 1. Its the only message getting printed  to any of the logs
> 2. I know that it is definitely coming from my web service code.

Hi Tori,

I don't know how about Log4J but I'm sure getting rid of it would
simplify things.

I don't know if it is possible for Tomcat to be misconfigured to the
point where it will not output any error messages because the error log
system itself is misconfigured. Maybe others can provide that info.

By default, Tomcat does not include Log4J. You have to take additional
steps in order to get it to work. Please read the following and ensure
you've configured your installation accordingly:

These documents talk about building stuff. Note that you don't have to
do that yourself, Instead, you may want to download the extra components
from one of the mirrors. The extra components are in the bin/extra
directory of the mirrors, so one level down from where the Tomcat
archives are. You'll need:

* tomcat-juli.jar
* tomcat-juli-adapters.jar

I hope this helps.

Michael Ludwig

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