
I'd just like to point out that there are two existing tools that may
have helped you our a lot: wget (often installed be default on many
Linuxes these days) and httping (which is not, but freely available and
has a simple "make" compile strategy).

I thought about those, but did not use wget, ab, curl etc.. because
- the problem happened on users Windows workstations, and I wanted to test from there. Neither of the above are standard under Windows, some may be hard to find in Win32 binary version. - neither wget or these other tools, I believe, allow by themselves to run the test on a series of URLs, in a loop, with a variable time-out - I wasn't sure of the level of debugging information I'd get when there was a connection drop, without at the same time getting a lot of verbose stuff when no error was found - the Windows "shell" under which I would have had to do something in order to wrap any of the above to do what I wanted is not exactly my preferred programming environment - on the other hand, perl was already installed on the workstation and for things like that it is really great

And let anyone who hasn't ever re-invented a personal version of the wheel throw me the first stone.

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